The camp "Youth Changes the Laws" brought together 110 enthusiastic young leaders from the Youth Local Councils of 61 municipalities, impact groups, and other youth. The Minister of State for Youth and Children, Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, along with Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, the Director General of the National Youth Agency, and Ms. Eljona Elmazi, Executive Director of [...]
Closing ceremony of the cultural exchange for youth from Albania and Kosovo, “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”
“Trashëgimia dje, sot dhe nesër” Ceremonia përmbyllëse për shkëmbimin rinor mirëpriti të rinjtë nga Kosova me të rinjtë tanë, për të festuar e mësuar më shumë mbi trashëgimin e përbashkët kulturore dhe forcuar lidhjet të rinjve. Gjatë ceremonisë së bashku me Drejtorin e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Rinisë Z. Geron Ibrahimi, Lirën, Xhevatin dhe Sokolin ju […]
The second day of the youth cultural exchange, “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” at the Archaeological Park of Apollonia and the Fortress of Bashtova
“Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” The Archaeological Park of Apollonia was the first stop on the second day for young people from Albania and Kosovo as part of the youth exchange program. Through this visit, they had the opportunity to experience the ancient site of Apollonia, which offers not only antiquity and archaeological heritage but also [...]
The first day of the youth cultural exchange, “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” at the Ishmi Fortress and the Amphitheater of Durrës
“Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” The Ishmi Fortress was the first stop for the youth on the first day of the activity “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” where they learned about the history of this important monument of Albanian cultural heritage. From the heights of the fortress, the young people enjoyed the wonderful landscape, which offers a stunning view of [...]
Cultural exchange with the youth of Albania and Kosovo under the motto “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”
The energizing activity brought together youth from Albania and Kosovo, launching a rich cultural exchange filled with knowledge and emotions. Under the motto “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” this event aims to raise awareness among young people about the importance of cultural heritage as part of our national identity. In the premises of the National Youth Agency, the young people and the Director [...]
The National Youth Agency organizes a friendly volleyball match near the University of Sports between the youth of the KVR in Kamëz and the youth of the Center for Social Advocacy.
The National Youth Agency organized a friendly volleyball match near the Sports University between the youth of the Local Youth Council of Kamza and the youth from the Social Advocacy Center. We value the importance of sports for young people due to the benefits it brings to physical, mental, and social health, promoting inclusion through active participation. The Director of the Agency [...]
Training "Technology and Sports for Social Inclusion" as part of the collaboration between the National Youth Agency and the Center for Social Advocacy
“Technology and Sports for Social Inclusion” was the training held as part of the collaboration between the National Youth Agency and the Social Advocacy Center. This activity aims to train young Roma and Egyptian individuals aged 16 to 30, who will gain knowledge in general technology and digital skills, focusing on their abilities [...]
Project "Youth Participation in Decision-Making Shapes the Future" Implemented by the Organization "New Bridges" with Financial Support from the National Youth Agency
At the Innovation and Security Center, the project “Youth Participation in Decision-Making Shapes the Future” was held, implemented by the organization “New Bridges” with financial support from the National Youth Agency, as part of the “Open Days” program developed by the Agency for Media and Information. The Minister of State for Youth and Children, Ms. Bora [...]
Call: Support Albanian youth civic participation Portali ku mund të merrni informacionet e plota
EU Funding & Tenders Portal: TED:
Conference on the Revision of the Law "On Volunteering"
At the Conference for the Review of the Law on “Volunteering” with the Ambassador of the European Union in Albania, Silvio Gonzato, the Deputy Minister of Economy, Culture, and Innovation, Olta Manjani, the Executive Director of the European Movement in Albania, Gledis Gjipali, the Manager of the National Resource Center for Civil Society, Ariola Agolli, as well as young volunteers. Increasing social and professional engagement [...]