Council of Ministers Legal Acts Order No. 58, dated April 18, 2024, "On the Approval of the Structure and Organization of the National Youth Agency.'"Decision no. 681, dated 02.09.2020, "On the method of creation, organization and operation of the National Youth Agency (NYA)."VKM no. 969 dated 02.12.2020, "On determining the criteria and procedures for the selection of members of the National Youth Council, as well as the manner of its organization and operation.VKM no. 274, dated 12.05.2021 "On determining the criteria that must be fulfilled by the National Youth Representative Organization"VKM No. 833 dated 24.12.2021 "On the method of setting up, administration, maintenance of the database for youth as well as the method of its interaction with other state databases"Decision no. 566, dated 29.07.2022, "For determining the criteria and selection procedures of Youth Organizations and Organizations for Young People, which benefit from funding from grant funds from the state budget, dedicated to youth." Law for Youth Law for Youth National Youth Strategy 2022-2029 Strategjia Kombëtare e Rinisë 2022-2029 (Shqip): National Youth Strategy 2022-2029 (English):