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Në Peshkopi, u zhvillua trajnimi në kuadër të projektit “Connected: Building Bridges, Creating Futures”, mbështetur nga British Council

“Të rinjtë dhe Komuniteti” – Dibra u bë qendra e mundësive!Në Peshkopi, u zhvillua trajnimi në kuadër të projektit “Connected: Building Bridges, Creating Futures”, mbështetur nga British Council. Gjatë këtyre tre ditëve, të rinjtë u fuqizuan dhe ndërtuan ura bashkëpunimi, duke krijuar ide dhe projekte që synojnë ndryshimin dhe përmirësimin e jetës sociale në Dibër. […]

HARMONY – Health and Resilience: Mental Empowerment for New Youth

We are excited to inform you that the National Youth Agency has been declared the winner in partnership with the Municipality of Murcia, the Ministry of Health of Lithuania, the Federal Ministry of Health of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Regional Council of Normandy of France, the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth, the Regional Directorate of Education in Bulgaria, and the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences [...]

Training of AKR staff on monitoring processes by ReLOaD2

The AKR staff conducted a training on project monitoring dedicated to enhancing skills and knowledge on the LOD methodology. During this training, the AKR staff committed to strengthening their skills and knowledge on monitoring projects supported by MSHRF with funding from AKR. This training provided opportunities for questions, discussions, and suggestions on [...]

The first day of the project "Connected: Building Bridges, Creating Futures"

80 young people from the northern municipalities have gathered together as part of the project 'Connected: Building Bridges, Creating Futures,' which is part of the program 'Alternative Pathways: Reducing Illegal Emigration from Albania to the United Kingdom,' implemented by the National Youth Agency and supported by the British Council. On the first day, the young people were [...]

The distribution of certificates for the project 'Youth Participation in Decision-Making Shapes the Future' by the New Bridges Organization

The New Bridges organization organized the certificate distribution ceremony for the young participants in the project 'Youth Participation in Decision-Making Shapes the Future' – an initiative supported by the National Youth Agency. Over the past few months, this project involved young people from the municipalities of Berat, Dimal, and Kuçova, who contributed diligently to the processes […]

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National Youth Agency