Based on law no. 116/2016 “On the ratification of the agreement between the Western Balkan countries for the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office,” the statute of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), law no. 75/2019 “On Youth,” and the order of the Minister of State for Youth and Children no. 3, dated 09.05.2023 “On the initiation of selection procedures and […]
Info session on the application process for the Third Call for Project-Proposals from Youth Organizations and/or for Young People
Online informational session on the application procedures for the Third Call for Project Proposals from Youth Organizations and/or for Young People. In the first session on May 10, 2023, from 13:00 to 14:00, you can join by clicking on the following link: In the second session on May 19, 2023, from 12:00 to 13:00, […]
Third Public Call for Project-Proposals from Youth Organizations and/or for Young People
AGJENCIA KOMBËTARE E RINISË (AKR) SHPALL: THIRRJEN PUBLIKE NR.III PËR PROJEKT-PROPOZIME DREJTUAR: ORGANIZATAVE RINORE DHE ORGANIZATAVE PËR TË RINJTË A. Projekt-propozimet të cilat do të dorëzohen nga organizatat rinore dhe për të rinjtë duhet të kenë në fokus rininë referuar këtyre prioriteteve: Nxitja e pjesëmarrjes së të rinjve në proceset vendimmarrëse dhe mbështetja e aktivizmit […]
List of the winners of the Second Call
List of winning NGOs List of winning municipalities
Second Call for Proposals (Local Self-Government Units)
NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY THE NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY (AKR) ANNOUNCES: PUBLIC CALL NO. II FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO: LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT UNITS A. Project proposals submitted by local self-government units (municipalities) must focus on the construction or reconstruction of public facilities and youth infrastructure. B. The value of the grants allocated as part of […]
Second Call for Project Proposals (Youth Organizations and Organizations for Young People)
NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY THE NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY (AKR) ANNOUNCES: PUBLIC CALL NO. II FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO: YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR YOUTH A. Project proposals submitted by youth organizations and for youth must focus on youth, referring to the following priorities: Promoting youth innovation and digital skills of the 21st century […]
Winning Projects of the First call for Youth Projects announced by the National Youth Agency - Youth Organizations and Organizations for Young People
Click: Winning Projects
Online information session on the application procedures for the First Call
Online information session on application procedures for the First Call. In the first session on July 5, 2021, at 11:00 AM for Youth Organizations and for Youth, you can join by clicking the following link: In the second session on July 6, 2021, at 11:00 AM for Local Self-Government Units, you can join […]
First Call for Youth Project Proposals (Local Self-Government Units)
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SPORTS AND YOUTH NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY The National Youth Agency announces today, June 28, 2021, at 08:30 AM, the first call for funding projects proposed by Local Self-Government Units that impact youth. The National Youth Agency (AKR) encourages all Local Self-Government Units […]
First Call for Youth Project Proposals (Youth Organizations and for Youth)
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SPORTS AND YOUTH NATIONAL YOUTH AGENCY The National Youth Agency announces today, June 28, 2021, at 08:30 AM, the first call for funding projects proposed by Youth Organizations and/or for Youth that have an impact on young people. The National Youth Agency (AKR) encourages all Organizations […]