Open Call: Youth Digital Democracy Accelerator Programme EYDR Erasmus+ Project is pleased to announce that Youth Digital Democracy Accelerator Programme is finally open for applications for youngsters from Albania and Montenegro. Youth Digital Democracy Accelerator Programme is a 9-month capacity building and youth advocacy programme that stands at the core of the EYDR project which aims […]
Rin Camp 2024
Rinia Camp është një event i dedikuar tërësisht të rinjve, që synon të aktivizojë dhe mbështesë ata në angazhimin e tyre në sferën rinore, si dhe të ndihmojë në ngritjen e kapaciteteve personale dhe profesionale. Kampi fokusohet në fuqizimin e të rinjve duke ofruar një sërë aktivitetesh dhe trajtimesh të temave në përputhje të plotë me […]
The voting process for members of the National Youth Council begins
Candidates, representatives of youth organizations and/or youth for member of the National Youth Council
Rin Camp is an event that focuses on supporting young people on the possibilities to engage in the youth space, developing their personal and professional capacities and empowering them. During their stay young people will engage in a variety of activities
Call for Members of the National Youth Council
PRIME MINISTER MINISTRY OF STATE FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN "Call for Members of the National Youth Council" The National Youth Agency announces the second call for the establishment of the National Youth Council (KKR), as an advisory body that operates under the Minister responsible for youth. All candidate representatives of youth organizations and/or young people are invited, as well as […]