“Shpërndarja e certifikatave për Konkursin Eseistik” është një vazhdimësi e një seri aktivitetesh të mbështetura nga Ministri i Shtetit për Rininë dhe Fëmijët dhe Agjencia Kombëtare e Rinisë, që zhvillohen me fokus të rinjtë dhe novacionin rinor, në përputhje me qëllimin e dytë të Strategjisë Kombëtare të Rinisë. Qëllimi i këtij aktiviteti ishte çertifikimi i […]
Discussion on Financial Education with Children and Youth
Financial education is very important and essential for managing personal and family finances, and further in one's profession. Therefore, the Minister of State for Youth and Children, Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, the Director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, along with Deputy Minister Nina Guga, brought together the Bank of Albania, the Banking Association, and representatives from [...]
"Ideathon Workshop," a seminar within the framework of the OSCE regional project "Young Developers and Entrepreneurs for Startup Advancement"
“Ideathon Workshop” was the latest seminar within the regional OSCE project “Young Developers and Entrepreneurs for Startup Advancement” (YDEAS II). The Director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, expressed his satisfaction with participation in such activities that focus on young entrepreneurs. In his speech, Mr. Ibrahimi emphasized that state policies and support [...]
Second Informative Physical Session on the Application Procedures for the Fourth Call for Project Proposals from Youth Organizations and Organizations for Youth.
Today, at the offices of the National Youth Agency, the Second Informative Physical Session was held on the application procedures for the Fourth Call for project proposals from Youth Organizations and Organizations for Youth. The high attendance demonstrated the interest of organizations in participating in this session. We invite you to join the online session on May 13 at 11:00 AM! [...]
Meeting with Students from “Sami Frashëri” High School and Representatives from the “New Era” Center with the Director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi
The doors of the National Youth Agency are open to every young person! An open and informal discussion, similar to a job shadowing experience, took place among the participating youth from the "Sami Frashëri" high school, the director of the Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, and the staff of this agency, as well as representatives from the "Epoka e [...]
Essay Writing Competition at the Faculty of Foreign Languages
We were pleased to accept the invitation from the Faculty of Foreign Languages to participate in the essay writing competition on multiple intelligences and Foucault's experiment. Students from the “Sinan Tafaj” high school, master's students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages in the teaching program, and aspiring leaders attending the school for directors also took part in this event […]
The project "Everyone in the Snow" by the Albanian Ski Federation, supported by the National Youth Agency.
In Dardha, the project "Everyone in the Snow" was successfully completed, through which 100 young ski enthusiasts from Puka, Kukës, Tirana, Gramsh, Durrës, and Korça not only mastered this winter sport and learned the best techniques from professional coaches over the course of a year, but also formed new friendships. This project [...]
Meeting with the Local Youth Council in the city of Korça
A weekend conversation with the Minister of State for Youth and Children, Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, the Director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, the Local Youth Council of Korça, and outstanding young people, discussing their needs and better opportunities through jobs and projects for youth empowerment. Beyond the support provided by the National Youth Strategy 2022-2029 [...]
Meeting with the Local Youth Council in the city of Prrenjas
In a meeting with the youth of the Local Youth Council of Prrenjas, the Minister of State for Youth Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, the Director of the National Youth Agency Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, the Mayor Nuri Belba, the Chairman of the Municipal Council, and the team responsible for youth policies in the municipality discussed various issues and challenges faced by the youth of this city [...]
Informative Session No. 3 Online – Public Call IV for Youth Organizations and/or for Young People
An online informative session on the application procedures for the Fourth Call for Project Proposals from Youth Organizations and/or for Young People. In the third session on May 13, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, you can join by clicking the link below: meet.google.com/wsr-zbqn-nzj