Vizitë nga Ministri i Shtetit për Rininë dhe Fëmijët, Znj. Bora Muzhaqi në gjimnazet “Dhaskal Todri” dhe “Konstandin Kristoforishi” për mundësimin e kurseve TUMO për të rinjtë e Elbasanit

TUMO becomes accessible to the youth of Elbasan. If you’ve always wanted to take the courses offered by TUMO but faced difficulties traveling to Tirana, this is no longer an issue. The National Youth Agency will support 100 young people aged 15-18 with transportation twice a week to attend TUMO courses in Tirana.

The courses at TUMO are in animation, robotics, graphic design, music production, and many others. Students from "Dhaskal Todri" and "Konstandin Kristoforidhi" warmly welcomed this opportunity, expressing excitement about creating projects that challenge the global market. Meanwhile, for all other young people, today we are publishing the link for registration.

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National Youth Agency