"Ideathon Workshop," a seminar within the framework of the OSCE regional project "Young Developers and Entrepreneurs for Startup Advancement"

The "Ideathon Workshop" is the latest seminar in the OSCE regional project "Young Developers and Entrepreneurs for Startup Advancement" (YDEAS II).

The director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, expressed his satisfaction with participating in such activities that focus on young entrepreneurs.

In his speech, Mr. Ibrahimi emphasized that government policies and economic support through dedicated training are important elements for financial education and for creating a favorable environment.

He considered young entrepreneurs to be a vital part of sustainable economic development. Encouraging young people toward innovation in various fields remains an important aspect of the policies of the National Youth Agency.

We believe in the creativity and performance of young people; our priority is to encourage innovation.

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National Youth Agency