Fillon Projekti “Pjesëmarrja e të Rinjve në Demokracinë Digjitale: Nga Aftësitë Digjitale tek të Drejtat Digjitale”

The project “Youth Participation in Digital Democracy: From Digital Skills to Digital Rights” has commenced, where young people can acquire the digital skills needed to impact the future of Albania. This project is aimed at youth who wish to understand their rights in the digital world and actively participate in building a more democratic and inclusive Albania. The project brings together young people from Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, and Spain and is funded by Erasmus+, implemented in Albania by SCiDEV and EYDR, with support from the National Youth Agency and the EU.

In this project, they will gain practical skills to navigate and influence digital spaces. They will learn about their digital rights and how to use them to make a difference. Young people will become part of a youth community with a shared goal of influencing digital decision-making and strengthening democracy.

Young people have the power to shape the future, and this project will provide them with the opportunity to prepare to become leaders in digital spaces, ensuring that their voices are heard and respected. Let’s build a fairer and more inclusive Albania.

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National Youth Agency