Category: AKR & MSHRF Activities

Agreement between the National Youth Agency and British Council on the Project “Alternative Pathways: Reducing Illegal Immigration from Albania to the United Kingdom”

As part of our institution's ongoing commitment to preventing the emigration of our youth abroad, we are excited to have signed the agreement dedicated to young people between the National Youth Agency (AKR) and the British Council for the project "Alternative Pathways: Reducing Illegal Emigration from Albania to the United Kingdom." AKR is ready to provide concrete support and [...]

Signing of Contracts for the "Meet the Superschools" Project

“Superschools” is the fruitful project of RYCO, which brought together representatives from important partner institutions, including the Deputy Minister of Education and Sports, representatives of the European Union, the German Embassy Attaché, TBC, as well as school leaders. Part of the panel, on behalf of the Minister of State for Youth and Children, was the General Director of the National Youth Agency, Mr. Geron [...]

Signing of the cooperation agreement between World Vision Albania and the National Youth Agency

The National Youth Agency signed a cooperation agreement with one of its most trusted partners, World Vision Albania. In the context of International Youth Day, this agreement aims to support and empower young people in decision-making and to create mechanisms for the development of youth policies. Activating youth [...]

The second day of the camp “Youth Change the Laws” with young people from Local Youth Councils and IMPAKT groups

On the second day of the camp "Youth Changes the Laws," the youth engaged in an interesting discussion about local policymaking, alongside Mr. Erion Isai, the Mayor of Kolonje, and Mr. Renis Mullaj, the Vice Mayor of Durrës. The enthusiasm and fresh perspectives shared by the participants highlighted the importance of their involvement in shaping the [...]

Camp “Youth Change the Laws” with young people from Local Youth Councils and IMPAKT groups

The camp "Youth Changes the Laws" brought together 110 enthusiastic young leaders from the Youth Local Councils of 61 municipalities, impact groups, and other youth. The Minister of State for Youth and Children, Ms. Bora Muzhaqi, along with Mr. Geron Ibrahimi, the Director General of the National Youth Agency, and Ms. Eljona Elmazi, Executive Director of [...]

Closing ceremony of the cultural exchange for youth from Albania and Kosovo, “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”

“Trashëgimia dje, sot dhe nesër” Ceremonia përmbyllëse për shkëmbimin rinor mirëpriti të rinjtë nga Kosova me të rinjtë tanë, për të festuar e mësuar më shumë mbi trashëgimin e përbashkët kulturore dhe forcuar lidhjet të rinjve. Gjatë ceremonisë së bashku me Drejtorin e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Rinisë Z. Geron Ibrahimi, Lirën, Xhevatin dhe Sokolin ju […]

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National Youth Agency