Në Komisionin për Edukimin dhe Mjetet e informimit publik si dhe në Komisionin për Punën, Çështjet Sociale dhe Shëndetësinë, për projekt-buxhetin e vitit të ardhshëm, u prezantua një buxhet që nuk është thjesht një shumësi shifrash, por një tërësi mundësish më tepër për të rinjtë. Plot 54% më i lartë krahasuar me një vit më […]
The TISS Project for the Development and Integration of Young People with Disabilities
The Opening Ceremony of the "Our Voice, Our Strength" project by the TISS center set in motion all possible mechanisms for the development and integration of young people with disabilities. At the opening event, parents of children with special needs, representatives of support organizations, local and central leaders, as well as representatives of educational and cultural institutions came together […]
Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Youth Strategy 2022-2029.
Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Youth Strategy 2022-2029, Period: January-June 2024 Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Youth Strategy 2022-2029, Year 2023
In Case You Missed It... – October 2024
Muaji Tetor! Shiko çfarë mund të kesh humbur! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më shumë! Kliko mbi foton për më […]
General Director Mr. Geron Ibrahimi participated in the panel organized by the Youth Professionals Network.
In the panel organized by the Youth Professionals Network with the support of Swiss Contact, the role of the National Youth Agency in supporting youth innovation and technological education was emphasized. Through grants, we are empowering young people in the fields of ICT and digital development. During his speech, General Director Mr. Geron Ibrahimi shared the importance of [...]
Youth Cultural Exchange “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” in Kosovo.
The First Day of the Youth Cultural Exchange in Kosovo On October 21, the Youth Cultural Exchange “Heritage Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” began in Kosovo, where on the first day the young participants visited the city of trade and craftsmanship, Gjakova. The young people had the opportunity to learn about the history of places such as: The Old Bazaar is [...]
Fillon Projekti “Pjesëmarrja e të Rinjve në Demokracinë Digjitale: Nga Aftësitë Digjitale tek të Drejtat Digjitale”
The project “Youth Participation in Digital Democracy: From Digital Skills to Digital Rights” has begun, where young people can acquire the digital skills needed to impact the future of Albania. This project is aimed at youth who wish to understand their rights in the digital world and to actively participate in [...]
Vizitë nga Ministri i Shtetit për Rininë dhe Fëmijet, Znj. Bora Muxhaqi në ndërtimin e Qendrës se re Rinore në Librazhd
In Librazhdi, the construction of the Youth Center continues, which will be dedicated to the needs and activities of young people. This center will provide dedicated spaces for empowering youth through training in career development, art, and technology. It will serve as a center for the Local Youth Council and will create [...]
October 2024 – Opportunities for the Youth
Garancia Rinore Mundësi për të rinjtë Linkun e aplikimit e gjeni tek: www.puna.gov.al Garancia Rinore, një iniciativë e mbështetur nga Agencia Kombëtare e Punësimit dhe Aftësive me ndihmën e projektit #BEpërRininë. E financuar nga European Union in Albania, zbatuar nga UNDP Albania dhe UNICEF Albania, nën koordinimin e Ministrisë së Ekonomise, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit.Kjo nismë Evropiane […]
The National Youth Agency participant in the National Cybersecurity Conference.
Representative from the National Youth Agency, Director Auron Mëneri, was invited to the National Cybersecurity Conference, where the essential role of the National Youth Agency (AKR) in creating opportunities for youth in this vital field was discussed. He emphasized that in a world that is increasingly interconnected and dependent on digital technology […]