Call for the Establishment of the National Youth Council

The National Youth Agency announces the call for the establishment of the National Youth Council, which will be an advisory body operating under the Minister responsible for Youth. All youth organizations and/or organizations for young people, as well as student councils, are invited to submit potential candidacies to become members of the National Youth Council.

We welcome every application until February 28 2021 at our email address: with the subject "Application for Membership in the National Youth Council." We remind you that any application that does not meet the following criteria will not qualify for the next phase.

In support of Article 100 of the Constitution and point 3 of Article 9 of Law No. 75/2019, "On Youth," Chapter III of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 681, dated 02.09.2020 "On the manner of creation, organization, and functioning of the National Youth Agency (AKR)," as well as Decision No. 969, dated 02.12.2020 of the Council of Ministers, "On determining the criteria and procedures for the election of members of the National Youth Council, as well as the organization and functioning of the Council.";

The National Youth Council (KKR) consists of 16 members, of whom at least 5 (five) must be selected in accordance with the gender quotas established in point 2 of the Decision. 969, datë 02.12.2020 të Këshillit të Ministrave, “Për përcaktimin e kritereve e të procedurave të zgjedhjes së anëtarëve të Këshillit Kombëtar të Rinisë, si dhe të mënyrës së organizimit e të funksionimit të tij”, si më poshtë vijon;

a) The Minister responsible for Youth;

b) The Head of the National Youth Agency (AKR);

c) 2 (two) representatives from the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government;

ç) 8 (eight) representatives from youth organizations and/or organizations for youth;

d) 4 (four) representatives who are members of student councils.

Be aware: The candidate for membership in the KKR, representing youth organizations or not representing youth organizations, must meet the following criteria:

  1. To have contributed or have experience in the field of youth for at least the last 2 years, through projects focused on youth or the development of initiatives/activities for the promotion of young people;
  2. Not to have been convicted by a final court decision;
  3. Not to have a conflict of interest in fulfilling the legal requirements and provisions.

*If you believe you meet the criteria to be part of the National Youth Council, please attach the following documents to your application:

1- The candidate, representative of youth organizations and/or for youth, must upload:

  1. Request for application
  2. Curriculum Vitae, CV
  3. Photocopies of documents that prove CV
  4. A certificate of judicial status or a self-declaration of it.
  5. Self-declaration of conflict of interest.

2- The candidate, not representing youth organizations, must upload:

  1. Request for application
  2. Curriculum Vitae, CV
  3. Photocopies of documents that prove CV
  4. A certificate of judicial status or a self-declaration of it.
  5. Self-declaration of conflict of interest.
  6. Motivation Leter
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National Youth Agency