Vjera Çurçija, Mega Art Association

Vjera Çurçija is a professional with about 20 years of experience in the field of dance, tradition, heritage and popular culture. Researcher of Folklore and Ethnology, since 2016 she passionately directs the "MEGAART" Association. Her experience includes the role as a dancer, First Soloist at the National Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances, leader and choreographer in various activities with youth involvement and focus. Vjera is the conceptualizer and implementer of several project activities that aim to promote good educational practices among young people and nurture knowledge about our history and cultural heritage. After a wide experience in organizing and coordinating every link of an event, activity, project, drawing up reports and any other project coordination process, Vjera is running to be a part of and give her contribution to young people.

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National Youth Agency