Vasilika Laska, Social Inclusion for Development

Orjana Çekrezi, civil society activist, is currently studying for a master's degree in Business Management and Marketing at the European University of Tirana, where for two years she has represented the Student Council, in the position of president. She started her journey as a volunteer and activist in civil society since 8 years ago. Engaging with various civil society organizations and civic initiatives, her experience is mainly related to youth and civic activism, human rights, rights at work, student issues, transparency in decision-making, gender equality, etc. For 4 years, Orjana has been part of the Young Professionals Network, a youth space that promotes the interests of young people, where with enthusiasm and perseverance she has managed to be a representative voice of Albanian youth, undertaking various initiatives and projects. With her engagement in the community and with knowledge in the youth sector as well as practices from the Western Balkans and Europe, Orjana, as a young woman who herself comes from a rural area, aims to address issues that really can improve the youth sector by taking into consideration the existing positive practices and by bringing into attention the needs of young people from the districts and rural areas. ​    

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National Youth Agency